水墨毛笔PS笔刷素材 Shiyoon’s Photoshop Ink Brush Set

水墨毛笔PS笔刷素材 Shiyoon’s Photoshop Ink Brush Set

自从在迪士尼动画开始做角色设计师, 我就一直想要有一个可以做出干净线条的PS图像处理软件刷。很多艺术家会分享一些他们自己工具刷,但是选择总是太多并且线条的效果没有那么的完美。所以我想是不是用Photoshop也可以做出一种像 Ronald Searle, Hank Ketcham, E.H. Shepard这些优秀艺术家们所画出的线条质感。


Ever since I first worked professionally as a character designer for Disney Feature Animation I simply wanted a photoshop brush that would produce a nice line out of it.  Other artists would share their personal brush sets but there were way too many to use and none of them drew their art purely in line.  I looked up to great line artists from the past like Ronald Searle, Hank Ketcham, E.H. Shepard and always wondered if I could produce the same line quality in photoshop.

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