C4D舞台灯光探照灯插件预设 Hantmade Stage V2.0 Build 290 For Cinema 4D

软件性质: 插件 预设
适用版本: C4D R15 - C4D R16 - C4D R17 - C4D R18 - C4D R19
软件版本: Version: Hantmade Stage V2.0 Build 290
系统平台: Win MAC
软件语言: 英文
插件来源: http://www.cgufo.com
舞台灯光探照灯C4D插件预设 Hantmade Stage V2.0 Build 290 For Cinema 4D R17/R18/R19 Win/Mac破解版 + 使用教程

Stage is a Cinema 4D plugin and provides a toolkit to organize and control a large number of light fixtures. Useage of presets for all functions of lights gives a fast way to generate different looks. Create your own library of fixtures and connect them to presets.


Cinema 4D R17/R18/R19 Win/Mac


拷贝Stage 2- rev 290到C4D的plugins文件夹
Install per developers instructions.
Load Cinema4D/Stage/Stage License
Enter the serial QU8P-40ZF-55C2DBC0
Fill the rest of the info and click OK.
Restart Cinema4D and enjoy Dev License with 35 seats!
If you wish to use it with TR, copy CINEMA 4D.prf from your C4D Prefs folder to the teamrender_client or the teamrender_server folder.


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