

Textures.com是一个三维纹理材质贴图网站,提供各种材料的数字图片。 包含有织物,木材,金属,砖,塑料等等的图片。 这些图像被称为纹理,可用于平面设计,视觉效果,电脑游戏以及任何其他需要漂亮图案或背景图像的场合。本合辑整理Textures纹理贴图网站2018年度合集,大小:105 GB,格式:JPG,包含砖,瓦,石膏,塑料等几十种各类型实用纹理贴图材质合集。CGtextures Big Collection 2018.Textures.com is a website that offers digital pictures of all sorts of materials. We have pictures of fabrics, wood, metal, bricks, plastic, and many more. These images are called textures and can be used for graphic design, visual effects, in computer games and any other situation where you need a nice pattern or background image.

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