几何物体对称复制C4D插件 Symex 1.0 for Cinema 4D R15-S22

几何物体对称复制C4D插件 Symex 1.0 for Cinema 4D R15-S22


Symex is an object generator plugin that replicates your objects geometry symmetrically in Cinema 4D. It works like a fractal that repeats itself while adding some randomization on top of the mesh to keep things interesting. You can quickly create very detailed structures out of almost nothing. Combine this with some of Merk’s other plugins such as Topowire for even more crazy effects!


  • Cinema 4D R15, R16, R17, R18, R19, R20, R21, S22


  • 将Symex文件夹拷贝到C4D安装目录的plugins里面即可

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