C4D布料模拟插件 Syflex for Cinema 4D 2023 Win破解版

C4D布料模拟插件 Syflex for Cinema 4D 2023 Win破解版

Syflex是C4D的一个变形器插件,可以模拟布料特别是衣服状态,可以添加作用力、约束、碰撞等,支持Win版本 C4D R17/R18/R19/R2

Syflex is integrated in C4D as a deformer.It allows to animate cloth type objects but also many types of soft bodies.It computes the motion of the cloth by applying on it forces, constraints and collisions.


  • 将syflex复制到c4d安装目录的plugins即可

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